Interested in the research
There is becoming more and more research on Systemic constellations in English. There is a lot of research in German and other languages.
Here are some I have found in English
Family Constellations- a mixed method study on depression
Family Constellations- An innovative systemic Phenomenolgical group process
Systemic working-the Constellations approach - H Wade
Extended family constellations workshop efficacy on intuition measure and experience
The Effectiveness of Family Constellation Therapy in Improving Mental Health
the method of structral systemic constellations for technical problem solving and decision making
How Phenomenology Can Help Us Learn
Organizational change based on the new perspective of Systemic Constellations
Process_of_Change_and_Effectiveness_of_Family Constellations
Healing and Teaching with Family System Constellations
On the interrelation of family, remigration, and transnationality
The Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy, Set
Karen S. Wampler, Richard B. Miller, Ryan B. Seedall, Lenore M. McWey, Adrian J. Blow, Mudita Rastogi, and Reenee Singh
There are many dissertations on Systemic constellations and Family Constellations if you can access academic papers.