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1 to 1 Supervision for facilitators
of Family Constellations.


Completed your facilitator training and want more supervision to support you,  this is a great way to deepen your practise and continue to learn. 


These sessions are specific to you and your questions around

  • support about a particular client's case,

  • questions around a constellation you facilitated to gain more insight into what you could have done differently

  • facilitating and where you still struggle or need help

  • why you are getting triggered by a clients session


These private supervision sessions give you a chance to confidentially discuss questions or issue you had in a constellation session with a client to gain feedback or new insights. 



Contact me to arrange dates and times if you can't find a time that suits


or book via link below


All prices are in Australian dollars. 

1 to 1 supervision Sessions - book here 

  • Supervision sessions - bring your client questions

    1 hr

    180 Australian dollars
  • Supervision sessions (phone Australia) - bring your client questions

    1 hr

    180 Australian dollars
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