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Immersion into self

  • 193 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Join us on this journey of immersion to help you: * get to know yourself better * understand your responses * learn to balance your emotions * gain practical tools and exercises to immerse back into Self * embody your confidence, truth and authenticity * master your own sovereignty Normal price $1,200 You will share the journey of this recorded course with participants who attended live by listening to the presentations, questions, comments and also by participating in the many guided processes and practices. This course is to support your personal development and is not therapy. Should any content bring up charged personal material, it is your responsibility to seek additional and appropriate support. As part of the course, live participants could opt in for one-on-one sessions with Edwina for extra support. This is also available to you at separate and additional cost. To book see the website: Acknowledgements: This is to acknowledge and thank co-presenters Christo and Domenica for their rich contribution to this course as well as the incredible participants for allowing us to share this journey with them. Also to acknowledge and thank Megan Hemmings for her comments and edits while this course was being put together into a pre-recorded format.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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